Q. What distinguishes Bhartiya Airways from other airlines?+
Q. How can I book a flight on Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. Can I book a round trip with Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. Is it possible to book multiple flights with Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. What is the refund policy for cancelled flights on Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. How can I get a refund for my cancelled flight to Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. What kind of offers is available for booking through the Bhartiya Airways website?+
Q. Can I request a reduction in price for a package without any offers?+
Q. Are there economical travel packages for the lower middle class?+
Q. Which airlines can I book through Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. Can I cancel my travel booking anytime with Bhartiya Airways?+
Q. What are the available payment options for booking travel packages?+
Q. Can I reserve different class seats for a round-trip?+
Q. What documents do I need if the booking is made using someone else's card?+
Q. How do I determine whether my connection is secure?+
Q. How many Indian states are included in Bhartiya Airways' holiday packages?+
Q. Is there an additional charge for using Bhartiya Airways' guide service?+
Q. Can I avail of EMI for expensive travel packages?+
Q. Is the guide service mandatory?+
Q. How do I access my flight tickets after booking online?+
Q. How do I know if my payment has gone through?+
Q. What if I don't receive a confirmation message after the money is deducted?+
Q. How far in advance can I book airline tickets?+
Q. How can I view my destination details online?+
Q. What's the difference between discounts and offers?+

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